Droogtehulp Wen die Boswa van ‘n Leeftyd: Die Bushlapa Ratel 4i

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Organized by Droogtehulp
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NLC 000398/01

Burre Burger met DROOGTEHULP

Welkom by die opwindende Bushlapa Ratel 4i kompetisie, geborg deur Bushlapa Paarl! Hierdie kompetisie bied jou die geleentheid om 'n pragtige Bushlapa Ratel 4i te wen terwyl jy terselfdertyd 'n verskil maak in die lewens van ons boeregemeenskap.

Droogtehulp, die organisasie agter hierdie kompetisie, staan al jare lank bekend vir hul onvermoeide ondersteuning aan Suid-Afrikaanse boere en hul plaaswerkers in tye van krisis. Of dit nou brande, vloede, droogte, of onvoorsiene mediese kostes is, Droogtehulp tree in om te help. Hulle voorsien ook ondersteuning vir boere se kinders se koshuis- en skoolfondse, wat die druk op gesinne verlig.

Deur aan hierdie kompetisie deel te neem, help jy Droogtehulp om voort te gaan met hul waardevolle werk en jy staan die kans om met 'n luukse Bushlapa Ratel 4i wegry. Hierdie is nie net 'n kompetisie nie, maar 'n manier om jou solidariteit met ons boere te wys en 'n verskil te maak. Voorspoed aan almal wat deelneem!

Droogtehulp Competition - Terms and Conditions:
Participants must be 18 years or older.
Residents from all over the world can take part.
Purchase of a ticket on www.itickets.co.za is required for entry.
Multiple entries are allowed.
Bushlapa Ratel 4i
Winner Selection:
Winners will be selected randomly from eligible entries.
The draw will be conducted transparently and independently.
Winners will be notified via the contact information provided during ticket purchase.
Winners must respond within 7 days to claim the prize.
Use of Information:
Participants' personal information will only be used for the competition and will not be shared with third parties.
27/05/2024 to 28/10/2024 draw will take place live on a link that will be sent to everyone.
The competition period and draw date will be specified on www.itickets.co.za.
Charitable Contribution:
Proceeds from ticket sales contribute to supporting farmers' children with their school and boarding fund.
Droogtehulp reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not comply with these terms and conditions.
By participating, entrants agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
[email protected] for queries regarding Droogtehulp.
Droogtehulp reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time.


Donation Drive

South-Africa is experiencing it's worst drought in 114 years and it has had a huge impact on our local farmers.
Parts of the Cape province, especially the Western Cape and Northern Cape, has been hardest hit as dam levels have dropped to below 20


Price Deadlines

Wen die Boswa van ‘n Leeftyd: Die Bushlapa Ratel 4i

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