Media Impact Africa

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Organized by TBN Africa
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Media Impact Africa 2024 (MIA 2024) is based on the Media Mountain of influence, an innovative and transformative event that seeks to bring together media specialists from across the globe.

The conference aims to bring the GOOD NEWS and explore transformation, the intersection of christianity, media, and technology, fostering meaningful conversations, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas to bring the GOOD NEWS to all the people according to ISAIAH 52:7
How beautiful and delightful on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace, Who brings good news of good [things], Who announces salvation, Who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

allison bevan jentile hardus karel
lucky nick pieter tsepo
raymond stephen taryn bert


Wednesday, 28 August 2024 | 09:00 am (Doors open 08:00 am)

No Under 18's
One Day Conference

General Admission


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