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SPAR Women's Challenge Tshwane

Organized by SPAR Women's Challenge - Tshwane
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Online Entries Close SUNDAY | 23 JULY @ Midnight


After showing just how gloriously we can rise up, stand up and overcome last year, this year the SPAR Women's Challenge invites you to find your reason #4Smiles. No matter if you have a gap between your teeth or a slightly crooked grin we want to let you know that your smile is beautiful. We encourage you to look around and find the big, and small, things in your life that make you smile. And when you find your smile, share it and be the smile in someone else's world.

Our smiles are infectious and this is definitely a pandemic we would love to see spread like wildfire! For the first time in three years we are able to get together nad celebrate life and see each one of your beautiful smiles, so join us as we find and celebrate all the amazing reasons we have to smiel this year! #4Smiles

Join the conversation. #SPARLadiesTshwane #4Smiles

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