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National Braai Tour

Organized by National Braai Tour
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National Heritage Day is a South African public holiday on 24 September and for the past decade the National Braai Day initiative has called on all South Africans to use this day to unite around fires, share our heritage and wave the South African flag. At its core, this initiative is about nation building and fostering social cohesion.

In 2014 the man behind of the National Braai Day initiative Jan Braai, established the National Braai Tour (#Braaitour), an expressive call-to-action that acts as the build up to National Braai Day.

This week-long event takes proud and patriotic South Africans on a tour through South Africa. We visit classic South African campsites, travel on well known routes and visit significant South African heritage sites and landmarks.

The event is filmed and photographed and constantly shared on social media. National print, TV, and radio media are invited to travel with during the week and share their experiences.

The aim of #Braaitour is to spread the message and ideals of having our great nation unite around fires, share our heritage and embrace each other as fellow South Africans. Furthermore we also want to create awareness around flag pride.