This event is over.
#imagine ignite

Online Registrations closed
Please contact [email protected] if you would still like to attend
An Indaba, Conference and break-away opportunity for Youth Ministers, Youth workers and Volunteers who disciple teenagers to be better equipped, envisioned, refreshed, inspired and connected.With Jonathan McKee and Thomas McKee from the USA and also Johan Smith, Alan Storey and Eric Hofmeyer with praise and worship led by Louis Brittz.
Click Here for Accommodation options in the area.
‘n Indaba, Konferensie en wegbreek geleentheid vir Jeugleraars, Jeugwerkers en Vrywilligers wat tieners dissipel. Kom word verfris, verryk en versterk vir jou roeping.
Met Jonathan McKee en Thomas McKee uit die VSA, asook Johan Smith, Alan Storey, Eric Hofmeyer en lofprysing gelei deur Louis Brittz.
Kliek Hier vir Akkommodasie opsies in die area.